Thursday, February 12, 2009

NH Marketing Company Goes Viral | To Increase Profit

It could literally make you sick to your stomach to think how quickly the internet is changing and evolving. Just a few years ago we where all hearing about Web 2.0 and believe it or not many businesses are still trying to grasp this complicated marketing technology and visual marketing concept.

While viral marketing is traditionally frowned upon by the advertising community, it has produced effective and sometimes mind blowing results to those skilled enough to master this trend of marketing sauce. I have found that it is merely a lean to for many business just starting out or even those which are struggling with their online presence.

The bottom line is that if you are thingking about viral marketing, first you have to have an idea of how good your product or service is. Is it right for viral marketing? Finding a product or service that can go hand in hand with any viral marketing campaign is an't an easy task. If you are lucky enough to have one you might want to research the market a little before you launch a campaign using google trends.

I explained it awhile back in a video on YouTube. The link is above. Oh Heck why not make it a podcast here you go.

So all I am saying is that you have to know up front with viral marketing that you product is right for the type of marketing, as viral marketing can be expensive and short lived if it's not managed properly.

I have been dabbling in it for quite sometime and I am proud to say that we are moments away from launching are very own massive viral campaign. We are proposing it as a little racy, because we want to get your attention and know that you are understanding the value of what we are doing while still delivering a simple to use start to finish idea of what to do to get started own your own low cost and free.

I have owned and operated an online marketing business in New England for over 10 years and I am proud to say our headquarters are based out of Rochester, NH currently. We also have an office in Upstate NY that will be re-opening withing the week. I look forward to hearing from the people that are interested in learning about viral marketing as well as other online marketing campaigns that can help increase your online business value and return you a healthy profit.


Anonymous said...

Wow that's a nice post.Viral marketing is an approach that supports your business to carry a marketing message via e-mail, and to partner with other businesses, which will attach your marketing message to their emails. This creates targeted audience with the help of marketing and training, which are the success keys for business.

Justin Hamlin said...

Thanks William for the positive reply.